The news of the cimi

Team’s FRM 2022 – G Gorochov
Guy Gorochov’s team has been awarded the Equipe FRM 2022 label for the project «Study and manipulation of host-microbiota mutualism regulated by immunoglobulin A»
The effectiveness of a vaccine against #HIV
Dr behazine combadière, a lead investigator at the centre for immunology and infectious diseases @inserm is working on predicting the effectiveness of a vaccine against #hiv which is concurrently advancing the #covidvaccine development research.
Vaccine responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants examined in people with lupus
The majority of people with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who respond to messenger (m)RNA COVID-19 vaccines also generate an antibody response against emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants, albeit with reduced neutralizing activity against variants bearing the E484K mutation, researchers report.
Is it dangerous to be vaccinated if you have already had the coronavirus?
A message received by the editorial staff of is concerned about the possible danger of a vaccine against Covid-19 for people already infected. We respond with Béhazine Combadière, director of research at Inserm.
Covid-19: a needle-free vaccination soon possible?
To meet the demand for vaccines, and to avoid a possible shortage of needles and syringes, start-ups, with the support of certain countries such as Canada, are working on injection methods that are not intramuscular, but through the skin.